Saturday 23 March 2013

2013, Part II.

"So you got to go out with the girls last night while I stayed home and cleaned sweetcorn out of the bathtub." - Malcolm

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"This chair is dirty and I need to clean it." - Margaret

"It is dirty because of caticles.  Caticles in catacombs. Singing canticles." - Malcolm

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"Your subconscious is full of books and storms and churches and interior decorating and RAGE." - Catherine

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"Right. I'm going to have some celery.  With mayonnaise.  Because that's how fucking hard I am." - Malcolm

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 "I've juggled with empty wine bottles before.  They have a neck to get purchase on, so it's better than milk bottles, but still probably not a great idea.  But honestly, if you have three empty wine bottles, you're probably not making the best decisions anyway." - Malcolm