Thursday, 9 June 2011

2011, Part IV.

"I literally walked into the bar five minutes ago." - Malcolm
"As opposed to metaphorically walking into the bar?" - Margaret
"Oh yeah, metaphorically I walked into the bar an hour and a half ago! Metaphorically, I'm pissed already!" - Malcolm

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"This is what I get for missing out on fellating the pepper shaker earlier." - Grace

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"... says the man with the socks on his ears, who just dry-humped the chair ..." - Grace

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"Coconuts are the most prudish of the fruits, I think."

"I think they have a bad effect on you afterwards. So really, you shouldn't sleep with a coconut."

- Catherine and Liz

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"Well, anything goes when you're gay and at a minor-league baseball game." - Margaret

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"You're just a sad pathetic person with a nice cardigan." - Margaret

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"What, you feel like you have to put on your hat to say 'bupkis'?" - Grace

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"Do you think they kidnapped a child to get laminate flooring for free, or are they just biding their time until the ransom comes in?" - Catherine

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“I was an ICT Coordinator. I know that turning it off and on again solves 90% of problems.” – Malcolm

“Yeah, well, when I was working on an Intensive Care Unit, it didn’t work so well with the life support machines …” – Catherine

“It was the alarm that kept throwing you off. You HAVE to remember to turn the ALARM off.” – Liz

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“Who knew that there were SO many stories about living in a bathroom?” – Liz

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“That’s how we grow in Africa! We start with the head and just grow out!” – Liz

“Yeah, we always think the shrunken heads are the END of the process …” – Catherine

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“Would you be interested in cutting the cord? Because they let dads do that if they want to.” – Margaret

“Would I be allowed to use a samurai sword? If so, definitely. Either that or a chainsaw.” – Malcolm

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“Well, I have an ‘incendiary device hidden inside a vegetable’ story too!” – Liz

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“So a marrow is a cross between a shotgun and a baby …” – Malcolm

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"Wait, they don't die?"
"No, they don't die."
"FAIL." - Mommy and Marion on "Web Site Story"

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I've found a few old quotes that never made it in:

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"How do you know I couldn't love you?! Take that knife out of your stomach and you'd actually be pretty hot!" - Margaret

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"I was hoping you were paying so much attention to the sympathetic shoulder-rubbing that you didn't notice the face-stabbing." - Catherine

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"It's the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace." - Margaret
"What is, Leyton?" - Catherine

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Margaret: Max, you have to show leadership by example.
Max: I am NOT going to show leadership by bringing three interns into a porn photoshoot!

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"I need to go down to the supermarket and hunter-gather some meat." - Kevin Josling (in, like, 2006)


  1. I don't know which I enjoy more: reading quotes and remembering the original conversation and laughing like a loon, or laughing at the out of contextness of quotes that make them even funnier.

  2. You didn't make it clear that the Mommy-Marion exchange was:

    Mommy: Wait, they don't die?
    Marion: No, they don't die.
    Mommy: FAIL.

  3. What I love is reading things I SAID and having absolutely no memory of them. :) That must have been a good night!

    Gretchen, wasn't it clear? Your name came first in the tag ("Mommy and Marion"), so I assumed that you spoke first.

    In time-honoured tradition, of course, this has reminded me of the stack of quotes I have to email to you. Just as, when you post those in your next update, it will remind me of the quotes I've amassed since then. And the cycle of life... continues!

  4. But do you recall the most famous quote of them all?

  5. It wouldn't have to do with the identity of the nearest Tesco to Moray's Tesco, would it?

  6. Hee! How on earth did you guess?
