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"If Jesus had used a proper rota, he would never have been crucified!!" - Margaret
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"If you have weasels every day, what do you do for Christmas?? That's what I've always said!" - Margaret
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“Sorry … you just pointed to a massive pile of crap … within ANOTHER massive pile of crap … to inform me which JENGA PIECE in that pile-of-crap-within-a-pile-of-crap … was my delicious chocolatey treat?!” – Margaret
“I thought you might need some guidance … ?” – Catherine
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“I just didn’t know that ground-up jihadis prevented dandruff.” – Catherine
“It’s a newly discovered phenomenon.” – Malcolm
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“Supporting the weight of your own head is for LOSERS.” – Catherine
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“It says wind speed is 8… um, kts?”
“… Maybe.”
“Catherine Martin, meteorologist!”
“Hey! There were letters missing!”
“And as we all know, you CAN’T read something when some of the letters AREN’T there.”
“… I hate you.”
- Catherine and Margaret
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“Great. You’ve been back two hours and already we’re arguing over who got the stuffed owl drunk for the first time.” – Catherine
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“I need crack!” – Peter, 2 years and ten months
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“Claire was FLIRTING with me.” – Peter, 2 years and ten months
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“For a three-foot-tall stuffed snowman, it’s actually rather tasteful.” – Grace
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“Feudal Japanese society was obviously a bit more duty-bound than Victorian society – if you threw a bad dinner party, your social superiors couldn’t order you to commit ritual suicide.” – Catherine
“Yeah.” – Margaret
“Actually, that would be kind of awesome. ‘The soup was lukewarm! You must commit seppuku!’” – Catherine
“ ‘No, no, that’s the fish knife, you wanton!! Use the meat knife!’” – Margaret
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"I went into Tesco to get a sandwich, and came out with two bottles of champagne and lottery tickets." - Malcolm
"I think I just fell in love with you all over again." - Margaret